Issue 78 of Abyss & Apex is out, and I couldn’t be more proud to let you know that my list poem “Grimm Brothers Ltd.” is featured there, along with more genre poetry, short stories (including flash), and book reviews.
In keeping with my love of list making, and to entice you to read the issue, here’s a log of a handful of phrases that jump out for me from a selection of the goods A&A currently has on offer:
- “The wooden ones stood with their trunks from a forest” (from “He saw” by Katharyn Howd Machan)
- “The kingdom doesn’t have the resources for an egg-raised crippled dragon with one eye, no matter how soft and kind she is, no matter how well-mannered with the new recruits, no matter what a good foster she is for orphan hatchlings.” (from “Ablution” by anne m. gibson)
- “We both detected the ‘tunnel’ going in a straight line from the forest to the house.” (from “Dowsing for Devils in Arkansas” by Tom Pawlowski)
- “poor boy crying alone in firebox. Too hot to open” (from “Entries From My Grandmother’s Diary Pertaining To My Father’s Early Inflammation” by Marc A. Criley and Hazel L. Criley)
- “A crow is trapped inside my ribs / flying fiercely to find escape.” (from “At Last, Clarity” by Sara Backer)
- “forked tongue, plump / oozing frog” (from “Grimm Brothers Ltd.” by Cathrin Hagey)