*The essays below were all published at Luna Station Quarterly and many were cross-posted on this site. When LSQ changed their website, the old links were broken. The essays above the break line can be read on cathrinhagey.com. The essays below the break line are, for the time being, unable to be located.
- “Faerie” (August 2020)
- “Frogs” (July 2020)
- “Water” (June 2020)
- “Dogs” (May 2020)
- “Cats” (April 2020)
- “Fraud, Part Two” (March 2020)
- “Fraud, Part One” (February 2020)
- “Mermaids” (January 2020)
- “Fox” (June 2019)
- “Home” (May 2019)
- “Magic” (March 2019)
- “Literary Alchemy” (February 2019)
- “Wind” (January 2019)
- “Crone” (December 2018)
- “Forests” (November 2018)
- “Food” (October 2018)
- “Something Blue” (July 2018)
- “Free Spirits” (June 2018)
- “Fish” (April 2018)
- “Hair” (April 2018)
- “Mirror, Mirror” (March 2018)
- “Giants” (February 2018)
- “Spinning” (January 2018)
- “Baba Yaga” (May 2017)
- “Beast” (February 2017)
- “Tiny People” (November 2016)
- “Stillness” (August 2016)
- “Birds” (May 2016)
- “Red Shoes” (January 2016)
- “Sleep” (August 2015)
- “All Treble” (March 2015)
- “For Better or for Wolf” (February 2015)
- “Sisters and Brothers” (November 2014)
- “Under My Bark” (September 2014)
- “Dark Side of the Fruit” (July 2014)